Sunday, August 10, 2008

Remember This Beautiful Lass?

Nope, I don't mean the pregnant whale... I mean the cute one peaking out from behind mount Gabrelias...

This weekend out older basset Sassy had to be hospitalized. Friday afternoon she was fine -- dancing her little shuffle-dance for cookies and attention. Then Friday evening she was having trouble walking, seemed listless and unsure where she was. She was also sick in about every way you can be sick. We took her to the vet first thing on Saturday -- by that time she could only walk a few steps. She is still at the vet's office there hooked up to IV fluids and medicines. They are doing a bunch of tests on her, but as of this morning, the vet seemed to believe that her bloodwork indicated a tumor or some kind of severe abnormality in her stomach or intestinal lining. We will know more after she gets an ultrasound tomorrow.
In the meantime, please send Sassy all your good vibes/kind thoughts/pink light and keep her in your prayers. She is a sweet old girl who has been a loyal pet through a lot of changes in our lives. As you can see from the photo above, she was the boys first playmate -- tolerating their kicks to her pillow very patiently. Since the boys arrived, she has kept to herself as much as possible but, despite all their poking and prodding, she has never even growled at them. That is more patience than Chris and I have been able to consistently demonstrate.

1 comment:

Kate H. said...

Kathy et al ("...and stop calling me al, my name is Chris!!") -- I'm so sorry to hear about Sassy's illness. She is such a great dog and family member, and has been a good friend to me and Jasper. I will send her all the love I can muster, and you guys too. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Lots of love, and whatever comforting touch Sassy would want...

