Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Babies Go Political!

Our time has been filled with elections for the past few weeks. Gabe and Elias can't vote, but that doesn't mean they are left out of the fun!

Hanging out on our "Barack the Vote" Sweatshirts.
Mom says when she gets old and we have to change her diapers, then we can use her for a political billboard for our causes!

Twin families don't have much free time, so this year we decided to focus on the issue we cared most about -- Stopping Proposition 8, a constitutional ban on gay marriage, from passing. We all wore buttons, we did a bunch of research and sent letters (you probably got one), we talked with our friends and neighbors. We even had a "No on 8" picnic outside our local polling place.

Constitutional law never looked so cute!

Sadly, Prop 8 passed by a very small majority in California leaving over 18000 families in limbo. It is unclear whether or not their marriages will continue to be legal. At first, we were so sad and disappointed. It was inspiring to watch Barack Obama's victory speech; we kept wondering why that inspiration and mesage of hope and unity hadn't extended to Prop 8. We felt frustrated and defeated...for about 24 hours.

Then we looked at Gabriel and Elias...and realized that we couldn't roll over and play dead. They deserve a better, kinder, more compassionate society. They and their future spouses deserve to judged by their deeds -- not by their combined genders. They deserve to live in a society that respects love and commitment -- not one that revels in materialism and divorce. They deserve a country where all people are equal under the law. We did not want them to grow up and believe that their parents ignored injustice when they recognized it.

So, the fight isn't over. This weekend we went to downtown Sacramento and participated in a Rally to Overturn Prop 8. As usual, Chris took some awesome photos.

We love this photo because at first glance, it could have been taken 50 years ago during one of many civil rights marches.

This was easily the kindest, most polite and well-mannered protest crowd we have ever been a part of. There were TONS of families -- both gay and straight -- there with their children and grandparents, and pets. The boys were a great hit as usual and enjoyed all the attention. There were some great signs as well. Kathy's favorite read, "I helped elect the first Black President and all I got was this lousy marriage ban." During this same election, a proposition allowing farm animals, notably chickens, to be kept in conditions where they can stand and extend their limbs passed by a huge margin. The irony of an election that gave rights to chickens while taking them from gay and lesbian families was not lost on the crowd. We saw a few signs saying, "Chickens: 1 Gays: 0"

The crowd was estimated at over 3000 people.

We know this won't be our last march or speech against Prop 8. It probably won't be the last time we write about it in the blog. We have determined to live a message of HOPE for all families. After all, when Barak Obama was born, his parents' inter-racial marriage was illegal in at least 16 states. It was a group of "activist judges" who determined that such laws were unconstitutional and did not provide equal protection under the law. That happened in 1967 -- less than a single lifetime ago.

The hope we carry is that we and our children will not only live to see discriminatory laws like Prop 8 overturned, but perhaps also to see the first openly gay President of the United States.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cowboy Up!

Hey thare Pard's! It is Halloween time around these here parts. We don't want no spooks, ghouls, nor ghosts in our corral, so we hired the best cowboys in the west to protect our homestead!
Elias (with trusty steed Pampers) is the fastest draw in the west

Gamblin' Gabriel always knows when t' hold 'em!

Ya'll think you can take 'em? These bohys look perty tough t' me!

Hi-Ho Pampers -- Awwaaaayyyy!

Awwwhhh shucks ma'am -- Saving Goddardtown tain't much! Wh' doncha come set a piece with us an' we'll tell ya' al'bout it?

Do ya' feel lucky?
The Eyes of Elias Are Upon You!

Day at the Orchard

We spent the day at Apple Hill -- a local area with tons of orchards and pumpkin patches. We had a great time running through the trees, rolling around with the pumpkins and taking photos.

Ahhh, we have found the illusive stick and rock. Now our day can begin!

Gabriel looks fabulous in this 1978 Sears Catalog ensemble

Awwhh Shucks, Mom said if I didn't take a bath, I'd grow a corn in all that dirt, but I didn't think it would happen this soon!!!
Elias tickles his fancy

Shadows of the Men

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Chris has been doing a lot of photography lately. He is taking some really cool photos lately -- like this one or this one or this one. Pretty cool, huh? Photos like this have two things in common -- 1. They are terrific photographs taken by my husband, and 2. They are not photos of my children! Sometimes this bothers me, since we invested in our camera and a sherpa-load of gear to take pic's of da babiez. Fortunately, Chris occasionally looks up from the camera after shooting our smokey backyard, sees his children, and snaps one or two of them to. And when he does, he does a darn good job...

Elias swingin' in the breeze...

Gabe hangs ten on the playground.

Taking a moment to relax with brother.

Gabriel -- 16 months old

Elias -- 16 months old

Elephants = Fun

We had a fabulous time with Ninah here last month. We even went to the Circus! The boys actually watched the entire show and had an AWESOME time.
...But you will have to take our word for it, because unfortunately, Ninah has most of the photos.

After the Circus, we went needed to run off some energy at a local hotel on the water.
AAAAHHHHHH I ssssaaatttt sssstttiiilllll for almosssst ttthhhhhreeeeeee hhoouuurrssss!
Wait -- isn't this supposed to be a baby blog?!?! Who are these big boys???
Believe it or not, that's Elias!

Elias in motion (as always)

Gabe gettin' his chill on

Monday, September 22, 2008

We need two more library cards!

There has been lots of reading around the Goddard home these days.  The boys have decided that books are indeed fun items to look at -- not just tasty treats to eat.  So the scholarly investigations have begun in earnest.  Here is Elias combining two of his favorite past times -- a rousing game of "can I fit" and a terrific book.
Lookout professional FRFB Tour*!  We have a champion in the making!

Our daddy is a Reading Stud!

Ninah outlines the major literary themes in Goodnight Gorilla

*FRFB Tour = Federation of Reading Fitting Babies

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Many Faces of E

Last Saturday, Chris was spent the whole day solo with the boys while Kathy attended a board meeting.  He and the boys had a great time together.  After they were done playing poker, eating at Hooters, and practicing their favorite swear words, Chris decided to have a photo shoot with Elias.  Apparently, our boy is someday destined for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition... 
Hey Baby, Can you get the bartender to refill my sippy cup?

Grrrr -- You are a Tiger!

Awwwhhh Shucks - I'm just a coy farm boy

Oh, You're so silly!

We asked Gabe what he thought of all the malarky.  His response?


Saturday, August 30, 2008

In Which We Become Famous

We know there are avid readers of the G&E blog out there. A few of you have even been known to hang out by your computers and hit the refresh button obsessively in hopes of a new post. (Ninah, you know who you are.) :-) Well, now you have a reason to obsessively haunt another blog for the next 30 days... That's right, the Goddard Twins are officially part of the Looky, Daddy Month of Mastheads.

During the month of September, our favorite blog Looky, Daddy will have a different masthead everyday. And one of those days...it could be any one of those days...it will be Gabriel and Elias!!!

And really, you should be thanking us for this, because if you don't already read LookyDaddy, you are really missing out on Something Special (and if you don't believe us, we challenge you to read that last link while drinking any fluid. If you don't shoot it out your nose, you have no sense of humor.) LookyDaddy combines twin humor with parenting advice and drink recipes and poetry. If there is a more perfect blog, we have yet to find it.

Happy Reading.

ETA: It's up today (9/3/08). The photo is funny, but the babies are tiny, so here it is again. The duck in his non-aquatic environment:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Portraits of Champions

The boys officially stated walking more than they crawl last Wednesday (8/20) and our little babies now officially seem like little boys. It has been a bitter sweet transition -- one that we have been documenting nonetheless. Here are some of our favorite little boys photos from this month...

Being a toddler is tough -- you definitely have to fall before you can walk. And having a brother is tough -- two babies who love each other will often get a little too physical with that love... Elias' started looking like a roughian a few weeks ago after he got his first fat lip on the tile. Combined with the cut over his eye, it looks like he just went a few rounds in the ring...


Gabe shows off his baby blues

Elias toddlin' tough for the camera

Punk-Rock Gabe looks Mischievious

Elias Passed Out after All That Fun

Friday, August 22, 2008

Field Trip!

Yesterday Kathy and the boys decided to take an all-day trip to the California State Fair. Kathy LOVES the fair. She loved the Rodeo and Stockshow as a kid and never misses a chance to attend a County or State Fair. However, the boys are just starting to walk and become even more independent. Trips out in general are getting more difficult. This adventure might be a disaster or an awesome success... Well, we had a TERRIFIC day. We saw so many exciting animals and exhibits. Here are some of our favorites.

There was a great little park oriented to the little ones. These boxes are filled with feed corn to play in. The boys LOVED it. Below you can see Elias playing with our friends Karen and Ellie on the left hand center of the screen. See if you can also find Gabriel.

Hint -- He's on the ffffffaaaaaarrrr right side...
...And not entirely in the photo.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Sponge! Bob! Twin! Pants!

Of course, the best part of the fair is the animals! The boys loved the animals. Gabe seemed to be especially excited to see them. So excited he didn't take a nap...all.day.long.

Karen and baby Ellie looking beautiful and posed with the goats.

Kathy and the boys looking crazy and chaotic with the goats.
I think Elias just realized the sheep has nipples.

Look at all those baby chicks! Do you think any of them are twins?

Gabe mesmerized by the goat. Elias checking out Cows behind him.

Wow. This is closer than we've ever been to a cow!
Cows are cool!

Too Close! Too Close! Cows are crazy!

Of course, Daddy had to get in on this fun. After work, he met us at the fair and introduced the boys to his favorite part -- the MIDWAY! The boys were very impressed with all the crazy people yelling at them, but they were most excited about the prize their daddy won them!

See my frog? Isn't he cool?

Whew! Do we look tired? That's because we are!

Other highlights included seeing a calf being born (wow!), seeing piglets, crawling about in the hay/dirt/other fair stuff, seeing a bat, seeing a sea lion, eating in the Foodstyle center while they judged the jams and jellies, and meeting LOTS of other twins and getting SSSSOOOO much attention. It was such a fun, inexpensive trip! We are planning to go back again next week!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Remember wwwaaaayyyyyy back in July of last year? About that time, the boys were tiny baby-blobs and we were leaving the house for the first time since they were born. Around that time, we visited Stumpy Meadows Lake for one of the boys' first outdoor activities.
Today we experienced a little Deja Vu as we returned to Stumpy Meadows for a day of fun in the sun.

They boys had a ton of fun swimming and hiking with their Daddy.

Come on in, the water's great!

Gabe Hiking with Dad

Days like today really accent the differences in the boys' personalities. Elias is a little thrill-seeking and always gives 200% to whatever he does. I'm Splashin' I'm Splashin' I'm Splashin' I'm Drownin'

This water looks good, I'm drinkin' I'm drinkin' I'm drinkin' I'm drownin'!

Gabe is our precise explorer. He is curious and checks everything out in detail. He likes to show-off practice new skills over and over. Today, he was far more interested in climbing up and down the steep rocky beach. He was very careful to turn around and back down the steepest parts.

Gabe practices for his future role as the first baby on Mars...

Here he is examining the denisity and feel of the soil.

hrmmm...much more grainy and firm than the goose poop I found earlier. Now for the taste comparison...