Friday, August 22, 2008

Field Trip!

Yesterday Kathy and the boys decided to take an all-day trip to the California State Fair. Kathy LOVES the fair. She loved the Rodeo and Stockshow as a kid and never misses a chance to attend a County or State Fair. However, the boys are just starting to walk and become even more independent. Trips out in general are getting more difficult. This adventure might be a disaster or an awesome success... Well, we had a TERRIFIC day. We saw so many exciting animals and exhibits. Here are some of our favorites.

There was a great little park oriented to the little ones. These boxes are filled with feed corn to play in. The boys LOVED it. Below you can see Elias playing with our friends Karen and Ellie on the left hand center of the screen. See if you can also find Gabriel.

Hint -- He's on the ffffffaaaaaarrrr right side...
...And not entirely in the photo.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Sponge! Bob! Twin! Pants!

Of course, the best part of the fair is the animals! The boys loved the animals. Gabe seemed to be especially excited to see them. So excited he didn't take a

Karen and baby Ellie looking beautiful and posed with the goats.

Kathy and the boys looking crazy and chaotic with the goats.
I think Elias just realized the sheep has nipples.

Look at all those baby chicks! Do you think any of them are twins?

Gabe mesmerized by the goat. Elias checking out Cows behind him.

Wow. This is closer than we've ever been to a cow!
Cows are cool!

Too Close! Too Close! Cows are crazy!

Of course, Daddy had to get in on this fun. After work, he met us at the fair and introduced the boys to his favorite part -- the MIDWAY! The boys were very impressed with all the crazy people yelling at them, but they were most excited about the prize their daddy won them!

See my frog? Isn't he cool?

Whew! Do we look tired? That's because we are!

Other highlights included seeing a calf being born (wow!), seeing piglets, crawling about in the hay/dirt/other fair stuff, seeing a bat, seeing a sea lion, eating in the Foodstyle center while they judged the jams and jellies, and meeting LOTS of other twins and getting SSSSOOOO much attention. It was such a fun, inexpensive trip! We are planning to go back again next week!!!

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