Sunday, June 17, 2007

Just a quick update tonight -- the big event today is the removal of Elias' feeding tube. He is now expected to breast/bottle-feed at all mealtimes! (That's 8 times a day when you're a baby...) :-) Elias is proving to be a feeding champ -- generally eager to eat and enjoy.

Gabriel isn't quite as enthusiastic as his brother, but is staying even. Babies are healthy and that's what counts.

Oh! And two more sets of twins moved into their room this week. We now have 4 sets of twins in one Special Care Nursery room. It is fun to talk with all the moms. We have also seen "full-term" triplets and shared a room with quadruplets. We are meeting lots of special parents and nurses and beginning to feel like we are part of a community. It is nice!

Okay -- time to get some rest!

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