Saturday, June 9, 2007

Everyday we are thankful for the boys progress. This morning, they moved to a "big-boy" crib. This means they are in an open crib like any other. In developmental terms, it means they are able to monitor their own temperature and don't need a warmer any longer. Both boys also gained weight yesterday! We are waiting for this evening's weight on pins and needles. :-) It is like watching "Celebrity Fit Club" in reverse -- you always end the day with the big weigh-in. The boys also got a Naso-Gastric tube today. At first we felt a little disappointed -- it is a bummer to see a tube go into them after watching so many tubes come out... But the tube is actually a much better option. It takes away the need to insert and remove tubes when they need tubal feedings. It also takes some of the pressure off our breastfeeding practice. We can let them breast through an entire feeding and then decide at the end if we want to "top it off" with more milk in the tube -- or if they are done. No pressure to speed through and keep time for a bottle.

They are nipple feeding every-other feeding and starting Monday, we are hoping to make it exclusively breastfeeding on those feedings if they don't tire out!

Ninah spent most of the day with the boys. Each time Kathy had to go pump or go to an appointment, she held both boys together. This is such a joy because you can watch them smile and and cuddle and suck with each other right in your arms. Who needs a television when you have baby-vision!

And finally, Chris posted many more photos this morning. Some of my favorites are the incubator shot where it looks like they are on an airplane and Chris kangarooing with Elias. Something about a baby nestled in chest hair really makes my heart melt. :-)

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