Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Great-Grandbaby Tour 2008!

The Great Grandbaby Tour of 2008 swung through Cool, California in February. Kathy's grandparents flew in from Florida (and suffered through something like 9 hours of flight delays!), Kathy's Aunt Diana flew in from Chicago via Florida, and Kathy's Mom flew in from Texas (with a few hours of flight delays too). Apparently the same terrible storm that set off tornadoes in Florida and Alabama was responsible for both sets of delays. But nothing could stop the Great Grandbaby Tour!
Here's Great-Grandpa with Gabe and Great-Grandma with Elias:

Four generations of Hauns, Meltons, and Goddards:

Great Aunt Diana enjoying the boys. They are getting to be quite the handful!

Great-Grandma's sister also lives in the Sacramento area and had a chance to visit and see the boys too:

The whirwind tour then headed out to Denver, Colorado to see the newest (well he was the newest at the time!) great-grandbaby, Luke! Check out Luke's blog here: lukelezama.blogspot.com.

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