Monday, November 19, 2007

Fishy Business

Note to self: Babies + Aquariums = Watery goodness

Chris and I have looked forward to having kiddos for a long time so that we don't have to feel awkward about visiting child-oriented places without a child in tow. For years, we have had a running joke about our imaginary "little Jimmy"s bad behavior -- we'd had to just lock him in the trunk while we toured the zoo/children's museum/kiddie park. The boys are still pretty small to legitimize our attendance at the science museum or Where's Waldo art gallery. The Aquarium, however, is a different story!

In fact, one of the highlights of our trip was a visit to the Long Beach Aquarium. When you think about it, it makes sense. Even though the boys aren't consistently rolling over or reaching for objects, they have the key skills you need for an exciting Aquarium experience: (1.) track colorful objects with your eyes, and (2.) React!

Elias contemplates life under da sea

It is hard to tear my eyes away!

Fish enjoy their observation time in the Baby-arium (while Gabe puts on a good show)

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