Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So Quiet

I am writing this update in a very quiet house! No one except me and two sleeping babies. *sigh* Ninah left this week after three terrific months of help. Between her and the assistance of Chris' parents, aunts, friends, etc. we have had a terrific first few months of babies. And we are set to have many more successful months to come. (In the immediate future, we have two freezers full of frozen home-made food -- wow!)

Gabe & Elias

As you can see, the boys are doing great. They get bigger each day. They spend their days snoozing, playing and breastfeeding. We have minimized bottles and only do them when convenient -- before bed and in the middle of the night. This means that Kathy has drastically cut back on her pumping -- usually only 3 times per day. Lots more free time for blog updates! :-)

We have had a few questions about how the dogs are taking the change. Both are adjusting to less daily attention. Ruby remains interested in the babies and giving them generous, wet kisses when allowed. ;-) Sassy is more restrained and seems nervous about the many noises that the boys make. Below is a rare moment of her cuddling while Kathy nurses.

Sassifrass protecting the Nursing Environment
Finally, we've had a lot of visitors this week as well. Aunt MaryLou came to town and learned that...*drumroll*please* the boys have RED HIGHLIGHTS in their hair! Anyone who knows Kathy knows that she has always said she would have red-headed twins. The boys' hair is being touted as evidence of the existance of God and/or Kathy's psychic abilities -- depending on who you talk to. :-) Below are the boys with a fellow red head!

Twins with Great Aunt MaryLou Loaker

Here is our friend Robert with his namesake:

Robert with Elias Robert

(yes, we have a serious fascination with facial hair!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Just checking to see if you received my comments. Keep the pictures and notes coming, me and Ma really miss you guys and the kids.
